Is Chiropractic Care Safe?
Like any healthcare procedure, there is always some inherent risk involved. So how do we compare how safe chiropractic care is to other health professions? That is a tough one, so I always like to say “Follow the Money.” What I mean by that is that there are all kinds of studies out there that show the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic care. The thing is…many people feel those studies are biased and not reflective of the truth. So…. I like to look at the most what are the most UNBIASED of all studies – in my opinion. These are the studies performed by insurance companies. If you consider the malpractice insurance companies – the ones who do extensive studies on how likely a doctor is to hurt a patient, to be of any kind of authority on the matter, then you will see how safe chiropractic really can be. The average general medical doctor (family doctor) with good coverage pays between $10,000 – $20,000 per year for their coverage (with no claims against them). The average OB/GYN can cost more than $70,000! HOWEVER – Chiropractic malpractice at the same level as the medical doctor usually costs less than $3000 per year. So the next time someone tells you that chiropractic care is dangerous, you might want to ask yourself if this person spent millions of dollars in research like the malpractice insurance companies…or just exactly what kind of expert are they on the matter?
Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Kids too?
All ages, from infants to elderly, can receive chiropractic care. Chiropractic has been recognized as one of the safest and most effective forms of healthcare on the planet! Studies, such as he New Zealand Report, state that chiropractic care is
“remarkably safe.”
For more information, check out the

Are Chiropractors REAL Doctors?
It amazes me in this day in age that some people still refer to chiropractors as being less than a REAL doctor or even worse…a Quack! Although the term does make me chuckle a little. I can see how some people…who have no idea what a chiropractor does…could be wary of it. I mean lets face it, there are plenty of people out there who are adamantly opposed to chiropractors.
Well you can’t please everyone, but I think with certain understandings…most of these concerns can be laid to rest.
Are Chiropractors REAL doctors?
Are Chiropractors the SAME as Medical doctors?
Believe me, that’s a good thing.
Chiropractors are neuromusculoskeletal SPECIALISTS! We perform one function – and that is to locate, analyze and correct the VERTEBRAL SUBLUXATION COMPLEX and it’s associated components.
No other doctors on earth are qualified to do this.
Chiropractors are the only doctors in the world who are trained to do what we do. A medical doctor does not receive this type of training… just like a chiropractor doesn’t receive the training necessary to prescribe glasses like your optometrist. We full fill a very specific niche.
Trying to compare Chiropractors and medical doctors are like trying to compare apples and oranges. Read the text below to learn more!
“Doctors of Chiropractic receive extensive, demanding professional education on par with medical doctors (MDs) and osteopaths (DOs). To receive the doctor of chiropractic degree, candidates must complete extensive undergraduate prerequisites and four years of graduate-level instruction and internship at an accredited chiropractic institution. Comprehensive knowledge of all systems of the body and diagnostic procedures enable the DC to thoroughly evaluate a patient, address disorders relating to the spine and determine the need for referral to another health care provider.Doctors of Chiropractic are primary health care providers.
According to the Center for Studies in Health Policy, “The DC can provide all three levels of primary care interventions and therefore is a primary care provider, as are MDs and DOs. The doctor of chiropractic is a gatekeeper to the health care system and an independent practitioner who provides primary care services. The DC’s office is a direct access portal of entry to the full scope of service.”Doctors of Chiropractic are licensed in all 50 states. DCs have been licensed and recognized for many decades in all states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.Chiropractic is recognized by governmental health care programs. Chiropractic is included in Medicare, Medicaid, Federal Employees Health Care Benefits Programs, Federal Workers’ Compensation and all state workers’ compensation programs. Chiropractic students are qualified to receive federal student loan assistance and DCs are authorized to be commissioned as health care officers in the U.S. Armed Forces.The practice of chiropractic is based on sound scientific principles.The existence of the nervous system as the primary control mechanism of the body is an undisputed scientific fact. Its relationship with the spine is the focus of the practice of chiropractic. The spine develops in utero to provide two primary functions: (1) allow for freedom of movement and (2) house and protect the spinal cord. When the vertebrae of the spine become misaligned through trauma or repetitive injury, two major consequences will result: (1) the range of motion becomes limited and (2) spinal nerves emerging from the spinal cord are compromised. DCs use the term “subluxation” to describe such disruptions. Interruption of nerve flow can eventually lead to pain, disability, and an overall decrease in the quality of life. Conversely, the removal of that interference has been shown to have significant, lasting health benefits. Through the adjustment of the subluxation, the doctor of chiropractic endeavors to restore normal nerve expression. The body is then able to respond appropriately to any imbalance in the system, thus relieving symptoms and restoring health.Doctors of chiropractic provide effective, low-cost health care for a wide range of conditions.Studies conducted according to the highest scientific standards and published by organizations not affiliated in any way with chiropractic institutions or associations continue to show the clinical appropriateness and effectiveness of chiropractic care. One of the most recent, funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health, stated emphatically that:
“On the evidence, particularly the most scientifically valid clinical studies, spinal manipulation applied by chiropractors is shown to be more effective than alternative treatments for low back pain…There would be highly significant cost savings if more management of low back pain was transferred from physician to chiropractors.”The doctor of chiropractic is an effective source of preventative and wellness care.The anatomical focus of the DC on the human spine has created the perception of the DC as just a “back doctor.” Although this perception is not entirely incorrect, it is very much incomplete. Doctors of chiropractic are a highly appropriate resource in matters of work-place safety, stress management, injury prevention, postural correction and nutritional counseling.”The process of chiropractic adjustment is a safe, efficient procedure which is performed nearly one million times every working day in the United States.
There is a singular lack of actuarial data that would justify concluding that chiropractic care is in any way harmful or dangerous. Chiropractic care is non-invasive, therefore, the body’s response to chiropractic care is far more predictable than its reactions to drug treatments or surgical procedures. Of the nearly one million adjustments given every day in this country, complications are exceedingly rare. Perhaps the best summary statement on the subject of safety was published in 1979 by the Government of New Zealand which established a special commission to study chiropractic. They found:”The conspicuous lack of evidence that chiropractors cause harm or allow harm to occur through neglect of medical referral can be taken to mean only one thing: that chiropractors have on the whole an impressive safety record.”
govcomplementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
How Well Educated is a Chiropractor?
Today’s chiropractic education has an emphasis on science.
The fact is, educational requirements for today’s chiropractor are among the most stringent of any of the health care professions.
Several decades ago the education that chiropractors received was purposely narrow. Without the interest in prescribing medicines or performing surgery, chiropractic education focused on anatomy, the philosophy of natural healing, the wisdom of the body and adjusting techniques.
Today’s chiropractor receives a much broader education. In fact, it’s quite comparable to that received by medical practitioners.
This focus on science continues during the first two years of study, emphasizing classroom and laboratory work in anatomy, physiology, public health, microbiology, pathology and biochemistry. Later, the focus is on specialized subjects, including chiropractic philosophy and practice, along with chiropractic diagnosis and adjusting methods. Since chiropractors don’t prescribe drugs, instead of studying pharmacology and surgery, they receive an even deeper training in anatomy, physiology, rehabilitation, nutrition, diagnosis, X-ray and a variety of adjusting techniques that aren’t taught in any other health care field.
Disparaging the educational achievements of today’s chiropractor is an outdated belief from another era.

Once I go to a Chiropractor, do I have to go forever?
Not at all!
When I talk with my patients about their care, I like to put things in terms of a linear scale (see the pictureto the left). Think of yourself as being on a linear scale with optimal health and well-being at one end and sickness and poor health at the other.
Basically, everything you do in life pushes you one way or the other. Being healthy is a combination of things. It takes more than one bad meal to make you fat…just like it takes more than one good workout to make you physically fit. We want our patients to realize this and then make the healthy choices they need to make to regain and maintain their health! For some people, ongoing wellness chiropractic care is one of those healthy habits that they CHOOSE to do.
To put things into perspective, lets talk about your teeth.
You don’t have to brush your teeth for the rest of your life either….well unless you WANT to keep your teeth as healthy as possible.
For the sake of keeping this brief, there is a definite beginning, middle and end to our care plans.
We are very goal oriented in this office. Most patients come into our office seeking relief of pain or some other unwanted symptom. However, many of our patients elect to continue with wellness care due to the great results they get and realize how much better they feel.
The fact is…that our patients are always in control of their care in our office. We provide you with information and options, you tell us how you want to participate.
Just remember, you can replace teeth.
You CANNOT replace your spine.
In my opinion, if people could see how their spine deteriorates like they can see their teeth deteriorate without proper care, then there would be a lot more people utilizing chiropractic care!
Basic Health Chiropractic & Rehab, the Office of Dr. Raymond Uhlmansiek, D.C.
5915 Merchants St.
Florence, KY 41042
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
10:00 - 1:00 & 3:00 - 6:00
10:00 - 1:00
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